6–8 Jan 2025
The Glacier Hotel (Eurotel Victoria) - Les Diablerets
Europe/Zurich timezone

Travel information


Les Diablerets can best be reached by train. Take the train to Aigle but buy your ticket to Les Diablerets. At Aigle, cross to the other side of the station to the Quai 13/14 stand where you will board a mountain train towards Les Diablerets. 

For more information, please kindly visit the national train website www.cff.ch.



The train station in Les Diablerets is a 5-10 minutes’ walk from the hotel. The hotel provides a free shuttle service for luggage and guests whenever they need. You can book your free shuttle service directly with the hotel when registering for our conference. 



If you walk from the station to the hotel, continue up the main street (as you stand with the train station on your right-hand side). You will pass the Tourist information office on your left and a few sports shops and cafes. At the top of the street, turn right then cross the river. The Glacier Hotel (Eurotel Victoria) is on the left.