In this presentation, I will first outline how space sustainability is addressed and what issues are covered by international and national space law regimes to date. I will then examine the current debate on the regulation of space sustainability, the emerging national and supranational space laws and their approach to space sustainability. Finally, I will conclude the presentation by...
The Panel on Exploration of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is tasked to address in a cross-disciplinary approach the scientific, technological, societal, economic, and legal aspects of space exploration, with a special focus on sustainability, environmental stewardship and international collaboration. In this presentation, we will summarize the findings and emerging new topics...
These days, we go into “Space 4.0”, as the European Space Agency (ESA) likes to call it, marked by public-private partnerships. The space industry has a growth projection of 11% every year, and when we think of space, we think of unimaginable sizes and infinite expanses. Yet our most important orbits are already quite filled, even with junk, and space is limited. What if our space environment...
Space sustainability is a multifaceted problem; thus, it must be addressed systematically and from different angles. While the technological and commercial facets of space sustainability seem to be attracting the spotlight, the key process behind any technological development and commercial advancement remains in the shadows. The process in question is investment. This study aims at shedding...
Space traffic is currently managed by various public and private entities across the globe. They use various standards and languages and can typically provide their services only to selected space operators from like-minded countries. Additionally, they track space debris and are seeking to monetize the significant investments made in developing their capacities.
The United Nations serve as...